Wednesday, July 23, 2014

There's something around your shoe

I must be getting old - everything hurts this morning. I can't move my shoulder or my neck and all I want to do is pop painkillers to make it go away. Unfortunately I can't do that because I work at a corporation and I then have to take care of a one year old. Although being sore (from NOT working out) and being tired (I have a child that refuses to sleep at night) has made my brain turn to mush. I swear at least once a week I forget to zip up my pants and I walk around the halls like HELLO. And I think it would be more often if I didn't wear dresses the four other days of the week. It does remind me of one of the funniest stories I heard from a friend of mine many years ago - thankfully it was about her not me...

Jenny back in the day was a big publicist but I big partier - I think those two go hand in hand - well she woke up late one morning and needed to be at work by 9 so she grabbed a pair of pants that were on her floor and a shirt she found. She walked 20 blocks and then got on a subway - went to a meeting where she had to present. She said during her presentation to these two men, they were constantly giggling and thought she had seen tears come out of one of the guys eyes. She wasn't sure if it was her presentation but she didn't think she was that funny. After she was done and was headed to go back to her office, one of the guys pulls her aside and said, "Look down". As she did, she saw a pair of her underwear wrapped around her shoe. How Jenny is, she said - "well thank goodness it isn't a pair of my period underwear!" She said of course she was mortified and ran to her office and sat in a chair and laughed to herself and thought I walked, got on a subway - how long have those things been wrapped around there??

So I guess we all have stupid things that happen - let's just say I always check my pants for dirty underpants!

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