Friday, July 18, 2014


This sleep deprivation thing is catching up to me. I thought at 4 months, Chase not sleeping was the norm but now that he is getting to be almost 14 months and still waking up several times a night - it's getting old. I love that kid like nothing else but his momma is getting tired. I work 40 hours a week, I try to cook and clean and do other things like take Chase for walks after work or play on the playground - but the energy level is getting low. I now know why people have children in their 20's because getting 5 hours a sleep every day is not fun. Last night I think I got 2 hours - I honestly have great respect for single moms.

I guess yesterday when I was getting home from work a plane flew over and Chase pointed and said plane. He doesn't really say much so I was so bummed I missed that. So I am struggling with missing all these moments because I work but can I just stay home and not earn my own keep? I don't know these days...

Speaking of planes, so tragic about the missile hitting the passenger plane yesterday. Scares me that Chase may not be raised in the same type of world I was brought up in. Yes, there was always fighting in the middle east and yes, I was in NYC when 9/11 occurred - but this feels so different. I honestly don't believe we are the powerhouse we used to be and things are changing.

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