Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dairy and Cigarettes

I remember in my 20s I wouldn't eat dairy at all. I was actually a pain to go out to eat with because I didn't eat this or that and I also had allergies (shellfish and later tomatoes). I was told that dairy builds up mucus and I was running quite often so didn't think those two should go hand in hand. I remember going out with one of my guy friends to dinner and I was like, I don't eat this, I don't like that, etc., etc. and he said to me - you will never get married or even hold a boyfriend for more than 5 minutes if this is how you are going to be. You need to relax about food and enjoy yourself and stop complaining - no man wants to listen to that.

So when I turned 30 - I quit running and picked up ice cream. I also picked up a bad habit - not for very long - but still a horrible habit of smoking. In NYC they were going through changing the laws of smoking inside. I did not smoke but all the COOL people did. So you would be out at a bar or a club and everyone that you wanted to hang out with was outside smoking. I ended up doing the - "if you can't beat them, join them" thing and started smoking.

I was always a great athlete and when I would go home to visit my parents, I would go out with some of my high school buddies. I would then pull out my pack of cigarettes and they would go - I can't believe you smoke, that is disgusting. I smoked for a little over a year it wasn't until I took a trip to Sweden that made me stop. My friend Kat and I were both smokers - we had shared a room due to the price of pretending to be rich and staying at a nice hotel - and we would get notes from the maids to stop smoking in the room. Yes, we were bad. The last night we were there we found this cool little restaurant/club and we sat there from 10 am to 2 am - I think I had a carton of cigarettes that day. The next morning we had to catch a plane back to the states early. I woke up feeling like a cigarette myself and I have to say I don't think I have ever felt worse in my life...and from that day forward I have never smoked another cigarette. Maybe that is the cure - smoke a carton in a day and you'll never want to smoke again!

This post was supposed to be about how much I love dairy and ice cream but turned into something else! My husband does make jokes about me and ice cream. For someone who didn't eat dairy for 5 years - I am sure making up for it. The best flavor is Caramel Sutra - chocolate, vanilla and down the center is caramel...YUM! I don't know which is worse - my pint of ice cream or 10 cigarettes...I know I was a lot thinner when I smoked! (I am kidding I know smoking is horrible for your health).

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